Container Homes provides innovative building solutions for a fair price. We Utilise 20+ years of industry experience to take your breath away from start to finish. Our goal is to continually improve the value and happiness provide to our customers year after year after year.

Our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals.
Our partners are specialist in the design and delivery of accommodation containers, accommodation units, deployable operating bases, container-based intermodal systems and customised ISO containers for a range of industries. The company integrates the skills of three leading specialist companies to collectively provide a comprehensive modular unit value chain, which supplies customised ISO container solutions and accommodation units to its customers.
To offer a wide range of services from a wide range of providers, that will benefit the commercial, Industrial, and Domestic community.
Using Australian Technology, Contractors and materials in creating a stronger Australian economy.
Australia is in its infancy as far as design work with containerized accommodation is concerned. Internationally it is used for density accommodation for motels, student accommodation and tourism through to quite unique housing solutions.
Due to the structural integrity, modular nature and universal standardized transport methods, containers are an ideal component to develop internal spatial uses within and in particular to service the resource sector.
Our design and construction have been at the forefront of assessing overseas solutions and transforming these ideas into an Australian answer. We have peculiar requirements in Australia due to remoteness, heat, intense sun, cyclonic conditions plus many others that demanded a localized solution.
Intense work has been put into developing solutions that satisfy many of the growing demands of the resources sector. Its needs are changing from being satisfied to use the old ‘donger’ to now needing a more homely, private space for the use of staff after work. The structure has also to be robust to withstand the often harsh user treatment given to these units and remain transportable and reusable in new locations.
To encompass all needs is a challenge when working within a rigid module such as a container. Previous failings in design and crass deployment of substandard units have earned containerized accommodation a less than glowing recommendation. Designers have played with modular, affordable components in this mechanized world for decades and now a solution is emerging that provides a suitable living environment in Australian conditions.
Our latest designs have utilized the structural integrity of the container whilst creating internal spatial arrangements of human comfort proportions.
Due to the incorporation of added container doors externally, the designers have been able to encompass a fold out external private deck and roof shelter to each unit therefore enabling the use of a glass into doors and windows. Why is this so great, the internal ambience of each unit is enhanced, a private space is created and in the event of cyclones etc the deck and roof are folded back in and the doors are closed. Total protection!
One of the great failings of container use in accommodation has been in insulation. This has been principally due to exposing the steel shell to the direct sun and heat. An instant sauna, the heat is dissipated by the use principally of air conditioning.
The added advantage of using recycled containers (which is environmentally credit worthy) in Australia is the constraints of transport can be extended marginally without incurring transport cost penalties. Due to this we have added an external insulation barrier to the container which has two obvious impacts.
Further, a prefabricated roof structure has been utilized. This gives further protection against the elements and providing roof to walkways, enclosed space for air conditioning plant and roof for solar hot water and power if desired.
Collectively these elements will enable an overall star rating of 6.5 which is the resource industry bench mark. It must also be remembered that these are developed from a recycled component and will use far less energy to maintain ambient temperatures than other solutions. A green solution!
A fold down walkway is also encompassed and built in at the factory so that the whole unit can be delivered to and deployed on site, finished ready for use in approx 1 day.
Other building designs including encompassing mess halls, commercial kitchens, laundries and ablution blocks can also be encompassed. These can be incorporated into overall camp or institution designs which in turn can incorporate water/waste water treatment systems, solar systems and all aspects required to provide a fully functioning remote or localized establishment.
Container Homes
ABN: 61 152 992 099
PH: +61 02 9056 5028
Mobile: +61 0 434191600
Head Office: 81-83 Campbell St Surry Hills NSW 2010
1 Ginibi Drive Altona North Vic
Mail: PO BOX 880 ASHFIELD NSW 1800 Australia
Container Homes Designer Domain Pty. Limited.
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